How to increase the power after 50 years

50 years is the age of adulthood, is a combination of knowledge, skills and abilities. But, this is the beginning of the decline of erectile function. Drugs to increase potency, after 50 years, they are assigned to a man when you see a sign of sexual weakness.

Power after 50

And yet, instead of making the power increase, it is better to avoid its decline. How to do it? Of course, it is necessary to consult a urologist. The doctors of these specialties treat the main complaint, by eliminating the causes.

If, after 50 years, it worsens the power?

Power, after 50 years, it is not always reduced. Mistakenly believed that after the celebration of the fiftieth birthday comes the old age. If you look at the classification suggested by the World health organization, the gap between 45 and 59 years corresponds to the average age.

Then, to affirm that the power in men 50 years and older, must be getting worse, it is not possible.

A list of the most common causes of

Negative internal and external exposure to risk factors causing sexual dysfunction. The doctors do not exclude the psychological aspect of the problem.

For a stable operation of the reproductive system responds to hormone levels of testosterone with age physiologically reduced.

If the physician assumes that the problem of dysfunction in his failure, the first treatment designates laboratory diagnosis to confirm or exclude a hypothesis.

And if the reason – the alcohol?

In this matter, the main condition – moderation. If it is a glass of good dry red wine with dinner, then the negative impact will not be.

But the excessive alcoholism is fraught with obesity of female type. – increase in the abdomen, breasts (gynecomastia), in conjunction with concurrent by a hormonal imbalance. Consequently, the output can basically be violated.

Fear of failure

After 50 years, return of the psycho-emotional problems, the emergence of the fear of failure fear of man. It forms a vicious circle creates an impassable barrier, through which not everyone can pass through.

Helps the psychologist or sexologist, explaining the irrationality of the fear. During the consultation you can ask all your questions, learn with the right mental attitude to increase the power after 50 years.

The bad food habits and lack of exercise


Restaurants, fast food, semi-finished products and a sedentary life-style beach modern, actively developing companies.

Prepare it at home today, many refuse. If fast food appears on the table every day, irregularities in the body is virtually non-existent. But the abuse accumulates the "bad" cholesterol, which deposits on the walls of the blood vessels.

The lack of physical exercise, on the background of a wrong diet, inhibits the metabolic processes, the products of decomposition are not removed from the body.

In men after 50 both risk factors cause a range of disorders — from a stroke that ends the impotence.

The disease, as risk factors of impotence

The doctors who specialize in sexual dysfunction, decline of libido in the context of the disease. The negative effect they have and the same diseases and drugs used for therapy.

Therefore, before treatment, the doctor explains to the patient about the need for a strict application of the dosage, the duration and the techniques of reception. Otherwise, the risk of impotence increases.

The list of diseases dangerous to the male power

In the first place among the provocative — pathology of the prostate, prostatitis, hypertrophy, tumor rebirth. If the man has discovered the disease, we must first cure her, and only then do it and the power increase.

Other the disease that leads to sexual dysfunction are:

Diabetes mellitus

  • Increased levels of sugar manifests itself in a deterioration of the microcirculation. The course of diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a decline in the production of testosterone, directly affect erection.

Weak peripheral innervation

  • Occurs when the lesions of the spinal cord at the lumbar level, the compression of the nerve roots hernia of the vertebral column. After surgical removal of hernia symptoms of dysfunction quickly reduced.


  • Sexually transmitted diseases in the first place affect the structure of the prostate, seminal vesicles, urethra. Relapsing inflammation of the prostate gland produces a deficiency in testosterone synthesis.

The problems of the thyroid

  • Impotence occurs when imbalance of the functioning of the pituitary and thyroid. The first yields (TSH) in response to a dysfunction of the thyroid gland is formed by T4, and then in the blood – T3. In hypothyroidism, or oncology T4 becomes slightly high TSH, which leads to the growth in the female hormone prolactin. In the following, the body of a male acquires female traits – obesity at the level of the stomach, gynecomastia, lability emotional. Libido in hypothyroidism drops drastically.

The changes related to the external genitalia

  • For example, Peyronie's disease progresses, the fibrous component in a shell of proteins of the penis. Thick plaques distort the penis, and the sexual act is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome.

50 years — the critical age for men. Acute persistent disease. For all these reasons, in the first place, we reflect on the power. The time spent therapy reduces to the minimum the subsequent complications.

Medications that cause impotence

The primary treatment of the disease, the somatic consequences may result in terms of power reduction. Therefore, it is necessary to know the drugs that are in the possession of such a capability, and then not think about how to recover the route, the power.

The disease Drugs
Chronic prostatitis With the aim of reducing the inflammation on the background of a deterioration in some cases it is prescribed hormonal funds – glucocorticoids (the ineffectiveness of steroid drugs). The administration of hormone pills decrease the production of sex hormones.
Hypertension (high pressure) Beta-blockers cause an increase in the synthesis of female hormones. After the cancellation of erection easily recovers.

ACE inhibitors worsen the power.

Diuretics (diuretic). The short receipt has no complications, but long-term (more than 5 months of recruitment) reduces sexual function.

Disease urinary tract and the digestive system. Narcotic analgesics. Along the uncontrolled use causing hypogonadism (testosterone deficiency).

Anti-ulcer. Require a prudent use. Confirmed complications is not proven, but we can not exclude an indirect effect through the central nervous system.

Gastro-protectors. Excess dosage of oregano as normalize digestion can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Allergy One of the side effects of antihistamines — antiandrogennyj effect
Disorders psycho-emotional Drugs with psychotropic effects (antidepressants, heavy sedation) causing the loss of sexual desire. Uncontrolled intake causes the lack of orgasm.
The improvement of the power

The sport as a means to improve the power

To increase the power to 50 years, initially need to understand the factor that has led to this state. Depending on the type of chronic disease, certain tactics therapy. Not only pills increase the potency, but and moderate exercise.

Regular classes restore the synthesis of testosterone in the body, increase the mens opportunity.

Long walks

  • The movement stimulates the increase of entrance of blood and oxygen, activates the metabolic processes. Long walks, creating the necessary load of moderate intensity. This is an option for men who rarely attended a gym.
  • Observe the strengthening the muscular wall of the arteries, increases the movement speed of the blood. The pelvic organs receive the blood and nutrients needed for the elimination of toxins.
  • Hiking well influence the psycho-emotional background, reduces the depression and fear, allowing you to abandon anti-depressants and sedatives, thus increasing the power.

Nordic walking

With a good level of fitness Finnish walking sticks allows you to adjust the weight. During the financial year are used in almost all the muscle groups, and the number of calories you burn 46% more compared to the normal gait.

This option may use the men, whose power is decreased on the background of diabetes mellitus.

Other types of sport

If you want to walk, will replace the swimming, yoga, skiing. In any case, the effect will be positive – the muscles are saturated with oxygen, the heart works harder, the weight-normalized, the mood improves.

Weight lifting (powerlifting) is not recommended for the inexperienced. Only professionally deal with kids without consequences can do with a great weight.

Nordic walking

Systematic exercise is beneficial effect on the libido, and contribute to the stability and conservation of power are also men after 50.

How to reduce the impact of stress?

The recovery stress disorder potency in men after the age of 50, that includes the complex, which consists of normalization, daily feeding, medical gymnastics, the intake of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin complexes

The pharmaceutical industry combines vitamins, suitable for the male body. They compensate for deficiency of essential trace elements, and normalize the formation of androgens (vitamin D), improve the libido (tocopherol), the quality of the seminal liquid (folic acid). The internal energy increases, the power increases.

The uniqueness of the complex is determined by the composition, which will match the daily rate of each item. To accept their request to exchange, as determined by your doctor.

Pharmacies offer a wide list of vitamins to increase potency in men after 50. When the purchase is to focus not on price, but on the composition.

The vitamin is also drugs, with a range of features and unwanted effects. In a manner independent of the assignment to dangerous, serious consequences.

The principles of a healthy diet

The first and most important rule the amount of calories must be equal to the standard. Only then will the excess weight, it will not grow.

The products that are under the ban Allowed
  • the meat and oily fish;
  • dishes with high salt content — as slows the release of excess fluid from the body;
  • sugary drinks increase thirst, and the swelling is not coming out.
Form the basis of the diet of diet, fasting, lightly salted:

  • chicken;
  • calf;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • fruit drinks, fruit juices, and herbal teas.

Frying in oil is desirable, it is better to cook or bake.

Some of the products are considered natural economic means of power amplification. These include:

  • fruits of the sea;
  • the turnip tops;
  • lemon, orange;
  • quail eggs;
  • chocolate;
  • avocado;
  • dates;
  • nuts;
  • the celery.

Their addition to the diet will bring back the hormonal balance in the body, increase the production of sex hormones.

A series of exercises

Fruits of the sea

Increase the power after 50 years in the house is possible with the physical exercise. On the forum, the doctors have been chosen the most effective:

  1. Rotate the circle. The impact on the pelvic area active, it stimulates the flow of blood.
  2. Walking on the spot. Exercise is considered successfully done if the knee will be able to touch the chest. At the beginning it is difficult to do, but systematic training to solve this problem.
  3. Do "the mill". This is an exercise perfectly strengthens the muscles of the back.
  4. Lift the pelvis. To run properly, you must lie down on your back, shoulders, and cuddles to the floor. The legs bend at the knees, heels as close as possible to push towards the buttocks. From this position, lift the basin.

The total duration of exercise: not more than 15 minutes. Then perform the entire complex it is necessary every day.

What drugs to restore the power?

As the drug of correction used medicines (in the form of tablets or ointments) and food supplements.

The methods of traditional medicine

Recipes of traditional medicine, also, have a positive effect on the power, increasing and strengthening its. Most of them improve the protective properties, the general well-being:

Honey-walnut mixture. Chop the walnuts, mix with honey in equal parts, we use them every day after breakfast.

Magical green tea. In a pot pour the tea leaves, adding grated ginger, saffron and 1 flower of carnation.

Ginger. And ' effective against all variants. Can be at home, make a healthy drink. For this finely chop the ginger, pour boiling water, leave to infuse for. If you wish, add honey.

The popular recipes are usually safe. But before you apply the popular methods to exclude the intolerance of the components.

The advice of doctors

Urologists, sexologists believe that in reality the best medication for increasing the power – regular sex. An active sex life, especially in 50 years, improves the flow of blood to the internal organs, nourishes the heart and brain of oxygen. Hormones pleasure positively influence to a general psycho-emotional background.

Special creams and gels will help to diversify the love life, for the novelty. You can buy them in adult stores or on the internet.


Maintain a high level of power at the age of 50, it is possible to:

  • The respect of the fundamental principles of proper nutrition,
  • the restoration and maintenance of physical activity,
  • the intake of vitamins,
  • the time spent in the treatment of chronic diseases

allow us to be in good health, enjoy life, to communicate with the woman you love, and feel his manhood.